5 minute dance party

I am ashamed, yet proud to admit that I started and caught up on 11 and a half seasons of Grey’s Anatomy in about 3 months. If you are unaware of this show, the main characters Meredith and Christina frequently have 5 minute dance parties. And you know what? I just did too. This is why I loved it.

Nandan has been traveling quite a bit for work lately. I generally have had the apartment to myself a lot. Nothing crazy about that. Makes sense. However, I have noticed that it does get a little lonely around here every now and then. Sure, school keeps me busy with studying and homework and experimenting all the stuff we learn at school. But, there’s nothing that can replace human interaction. And well, Meredith and Christina can only keep me company for so long.

I’m all about bringing excitement to otherwise seemingly boring situations. Don’t get me wrong, I am loving school. Every minute. But, sometimes you’re just stuck in a boring scenario and you need to do something. That happened today. All of a sudden I got this crazy surge of energy, and I decided to have a dance party.

And it was the greatest thing ever.

I turned my Pandora station up all the way and just let loose. Jumping and shaking and dancing around my apartment brought a new thrill that I haven’t experienced since having similar dance parties with my college roommates and sorority sisters almost 3 years ago (woah, has it really been that long since I’ve been out of college?!). It was incredible.

To shake off all of the pent up energy I had from just sitting so much and being in the book and working hard was awesome. More importantly, it was FUN. Now, I understand why the lovely Grey’s ladies would succumb to a dance party no matter how sticky or terrible the situation.

Lesson learned from my dance party. I don’t need to look externally for fun and excitement. That source of energy and excitement and joy all comes from within. Of course, it’s great to share these moments with the people you love being around with. But, you don’t need anything but to love yourself to have a great time no matter what. There’s no need to be influenced by external factors. Everything you need to have an amazing life is all within.

So often we rely on other people or things to make us happy and have fun. I’m guilty of it more than not, getting trapped in the idea that I need Nandan around to have fun, or have my friends around to have fun, or go to that place or hang out there. But, all of that is so false. We have the power of the ultimate and the infinite right within us. What more do we need to be rockstars and have a great time every minute of our life?

The more we are able to tap into that energy from within us, the more positivity and excitement we can exude to those around us.

After all, it’s the holiday season. There’s no time for boring or mundane. It’s time to get crazy and have FUN!

Dance it out people.



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